Developing Leaders who Make Work Awesome

We develop leaders who care about people and lead with humanity, resilience, and authenticity. 
Write your awesome label here.

“I help Make Work Awesome by developing intentional leaders and human work culture.”
                                                       - Pam Ross, Founder

I decided many years ago that if I was going to spend a third of my life at work, it better be awesome! In 2011, I finally worked up the courage to leave my HR gig in the corporate world and started Blue Rebel (then called Pam Ross Consulting) with a vision to improve people’s lives by improving work – hence Make Work Awesome. I love combining my natural strength in developing cutting edge, creative ideas with the pragmatic, operational approach I used in the corporate world.

Blue Rebel Works is on a Mission to Improve People's lives by Making Work Awesome

Leadership Habit Improvement

Leaders Completed Blue Rebel Program

People Inspired to Improve Work

What We Do

Strategic Culture Transformation

Is your culture moving your strategy forward or holding results back?

We assess your current culture, then work with you to make behaviour changes to help you achieve your objectives.

Whether you're a scale-up or a growing organization of several hundred, we custom design our Culture Catalyst Plan for you.

Get intentional about your Culture with observable behaviours aimed at achieving your strategic objectives. Monthly Culture Coaching supports you on your journey and you use our online habit builder to track your progress.

Build Blue Rebel

Leadership is a choice,
not a title.

We develop leaders who are ready to reinvent work in your organization. Resilience, psychological safety and individual responsibility are key.

Our multi-format delivery includes online resources and homework, live online facilitation and coaching, assessments, and on-the-job accountability, tracked using our online habit builder.

Our clients achieve double-digit improvements in direct manager communication, 1-1 meeting effectiveness, and ratings of trust, confidence and openness in leaders. 

Reinvent Your 

We love listening to 90’s music, but it’s time to start working in this decade.

We have spent years researching new ways of working, from Holacracy, to Results-Only Work Environments, to self-managed companies and more.

We measure your culture against our Blueprint for Workplace Reinvention, and help you identify targeted priorities to catalyze workplace transformation.  

We can help you create an organization that is on the cutting edge of disruption and innovation!