Cultivate a Feedback Culture

Learn how to cultivate a learning culture across your team with the Blues and Oranges Feedback™ Model

Helps Build Confidence

Creates Higher Accountability

Redirects and Develops Skills

Cultivate Learning with the Blues and Oranges Feedback™ Model

Feedback is the one thing we all need, we don’t get often enough, and when we do get it, we seem to not want it at all.

The problem with traditional feedback models is that they require the Manager to be the expert in what the employee needs to do more of, less of, or differently.

In today’s world, where managers rarely see much of an employee’s day-to-day work, and where skills need to constantly be levelled up or reinvented, this old way of “giving feedback” doesn’t make sense.

Instead, leaders need to cultivate learning through Focused Open Questions and an “employee-first” approach. That’s where Blue Rebel Works’ Blues and Oranges Feedback™ Model comes in.

Why Blues and Oranges?

Blue is the colour of trust and freedom. The Blue side of the feedback model builds trust and competence by spending time discussing what the team member is doing well, and why it matters.

Orange is the colour of roadblocks and warning signs. The Orange side of the feedback model uncovers obstacles and identifies learning opportunities or challenges to take on.

Neither side is good or bad – they are both essential for cultivating a learning culture across your team.

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